Thursday, December 30, 2010

Life with a baby

So I am pretty sure that while I am in LOVE with my sweet new baby girl....I am truly missing sleep. I'm not sure anything prepares you for the lack of sleep you experience with a newborn at home. Our little gal has her days and nights seriously mixed up...which is so funny to me since she seemed to have them totally figured out while inside me. She was never the type of baby to keep me awake kicking and poking me all night long in my belly like many other pregnant women experience. However...we must be making up for lost time now. Luckily Pat has been off for the past few weeks and has been able to pick up a feeding during the night to help out! It is amazing how wonderful a 3 hour stretch of sleep can feel!

Other than lack of sleep though...our Lucy is growing and changing so much! She went to the Dr. on Tuesday and is now up to 7lbs 4 ounces!!!! I love to see how much she changes each day.
She is very alert (when awake) and will follow voices! She can recognize both Pat's and my voices from across the room and makes the best eye contact while being fed!

Christmas didn't really seem like Christmas this year. Yes, we were excited to have Lucy as our gift...however we were more focused on feedings and poopy diapers than much of anything else. We had a great time spending the holiday with family! Here are some pictures of our sweet little Christmas baby:

Team Santa!

Family photo at my mom's for Christmas Eve!

Our little stocking stuffer!

All the girls!

Pat with Lucy and Roxy!

We had a newborn photographer come last week and take pictures of Lucy and I can't wait to show you those when we get them back! They turned out soo great!!

And finally here is the last belly picture of me...and then a picture of me and Lucy together!

There still hasn't been much cooking going on here because we have been living off all the wonderful food our friends and family have made for us recently. Which proves that sometimes the best meal is the one you don't have to make yourself!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Oh my sweet baby girl is FINALLY here! I meant to update my blog earlier about her arrival, but mostly I have been just soaking her in for the past few weeks! Oh...and trying to sleep when I can! I'm not sure anything can prepare you for just how exhausting and how incredibly rewarding having a baby is.

She came into our lives Tuesday morning, December 7th with a full set of lungs and personality to boot! It is so fun getting to know who this little person is. So far we have been lucky with a pretty good baby, but when she is ready to eat....she is READY to eat! Other than that she is pretty content, which makes mama and daddy pretty happy!

Here are a few pictures of our sweet little girl:

Born December 7th, 2010 at 7:42am
6lbs 1 oz 18 1/2 inches long

My sweet little Lucy!

My cousin Heidi who had her little boy John just a few hours before Lucy was born! How fun to have her right down the hall!!

We are home!
Lots more posts to come...but as I was so delayed in posting this I wanted to get something up!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

37 weeks and counting....

So we have a date! December 7th we will be meeting our sweet little girl! I can't believe how close we are! My dr. appointment yesterday confirmed what I had been thinking...we probably won't make it until the 10th like Pat and I had been hoping for. That's only because Pat would then have been able to take off the rest of the month....but we'll make it work!

My dr. told us her head was fully engaged and I was about a fingertip dilated. She will probably be a small baby too....somewhere right around the 6 pound mark I am guessing. Good thing I have some super cute newborn clothes for her to wear!

I am so looking forward to my maternity leave and meeting sweet Lucy! As Pat and I were going to bed last night I looked at him and said, "Oh my week at this time we will have a baby!" I am exciting and nervous all at once.

This weekend we plan on just taking it easy and enjoying time together. Her room is ready to go and the bags are (mostly) packed. We will try to spend a lot of time with Roxy too. Not sure how she will handle her new little "sister" but I think in time she will LOVE her!

And once pictures! I am so sorry! But I promise I will get better at that, especially once Lil' Miss gets here!

So....the next time I post I will probably be introducing our sweet little girl! Can't wait!!!

Stay tuned......

Shutterfly Holiday Cards!

So it's that time of year again so get those Christmas cards ready to be sent out! This year I am extra excited about our Christmas cards as they will also serve as an announcement of our new baby she isn't here yet, but will be very, very soon!!

I recently learned that Shutterfly is giving bloggers 50 free holiday cards to those who post about here I am!

If you haven't checked Shutterfly out before, you really should! They have fantastic products that are very user friendly and reasonably priced. I have a wedding album from them and soon will be putting together a baby album I am sure!
Anyways their holiday card selection this year is fantastic....below are a few of my favorites:

Check our your favorites at Shutterfly
And...if you are a blogger...get in on this deal fast! Head here for the info!