Disclaimer: There is no recipe and no food photos in this post....just the wandering thoughts of a happy, pregnant lady!
I can't believe that Pat and I have been married for a whole year already! The time really seemed to fly by! We celebrated our one year anniversary over the weekend by going to Captains Cabin for dinner on Saturday night. I got the lobster tail, which I NEVER get but I figured, hey, since I can't celebrate with any wine, I might as well have an awesome meal! And trust me, it was! Pat dined on the prime rib and we both left in a food coma. On Sunday, our actual anniversary, we headed to Fort Wayne to register for Little Baby Knox.
Let me just tell you, Babies R Us does an incredible job of making an overwhelming task seem very manageable. They are very good at what they do and we were really happy that we chose to register there. But 2 hours later we were tired and hungry so we headed to Granite City for brunch. And again, stuffed ourselves silly. Their caramel cinnamon rolls....amazing!
On our way home from Fort Wayne I was thinking in the car about just how much can happen in a year. Here we are, one year later and expecting a wonderful baby girl in three months! Wow. I was also thinking that if someone would have told Pat and I on our wedding day that we would have a different dog a year later, neither of us would have believed it. And yet, our sweet Hershey is no longer with us, but we have a lovable and very funny Roxy now, who we love dearly.
I just feel very blessed that Pat and I found each other. He makes me laugh every day and has taught me so much in the time we have known one another. Sure, we have our differences like any couple, but he truly is the right person for me and I am happy to be his wife.
Late last week Pat sent me an email telling me to listen to a song he had found that would be his new theme song. It was Rodney Atkins 'Cleaning This Gun'. If you haven't heard it, hit it up on YouTube. It's about a dad meeting his daughters date for the night, while cleaning his gun. Pretty cute song. And it just makes me smile because I know he will be the best dad in the world! I wasn't sure how he would do at first after learning we were having a girl, but he has fully embraced the role of her protector, and she isn't even here yet. I so look forward to our future together and as a family.
I look back at pictures taken on our wedding day and smile every time. I think to myself how lucky I am that I was so happy on my wedding day...and still so happy today! Sure, I may be laughing like an idiot in every single picture, but that is what makes me love them even more. I wasn't concerned with looking perfect in every shot because I knew deep down we were getting the perfect shot. Our photographer captured our joy on our wedding day and I feel it every time I look at our pictures.
I have a great husband and feel so happy to have celebrated an entire year together as husband and wife. I look forward to many, many more years together. I love him very much!