Sooo....lots has happened since we last chatted. First of all, out house did NOT sell. Yea...that was pretty surprising news to us. But, we are hopeful that there are reasons it didn't sell right now and if it is supposed to, it will in a timely fashion. That or I will just lose my mind over all the house stuff! So for now we are back to square one....back to house showings and lugging the dog to my dads 2-3 times a week so she doesn't accost our potential house buyers with her fierce butt-wiggle and slobbery kisses. Those are also the reasons we love her so much too!
On Wednesday night we had Girls Night again and threw a surprise shower for our friend Greta who is getting married at the end of June! She was very surprised and everyone had a great night helping her celebrate her upcoming wedding!!
For my appetizer I brought Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos. I learned about this recipe from the Pioneer Women and have since added a few of my own touches. Some out of creativity and some out of necessity. Feel free to adapt as your own needs see fit too!
Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos
adapted from Pioneer Woman
15 medium to small jalapenos, ends cut off, sliced in half and seeds removed
10 serrano peppers, ends cute off, sliced in half and seeds removed (be warned...these suckers are HOT)
2 packages of room temperature cream cheese
1 pound of sliced bacon
Fresh cracked pepper
1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.
2. Take sliced jalapeno and serrano peppers and scoop softened cream cheese into them
3. Slice your bacon into thirds and then wrap a section of bacon around the peppers. Secure with a toothpick.
4. Sprinkle fresh cracked pepper over the wrapped peppers
5. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until bacon is browned.
6. Secretly shove 3-4 in your mouth once finished before anyone catches you!
Getting ready to go in the oven

Yummy finished product!

Last Bite: If you can handle the heat, the serrano peppers offer a nice punch. And depending on how lazy you are scooping out the seeds, the jalapenos can offer some nice heat too! These are super easy to make and super wonderful!
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