I am an chronic overthinker. I overthink everything. And in my thinking I have great ideas of what I want to do. I have lists of blog post ideas (complete with pictures I have already taken). I have great plans to sponsor a precious little kid in Africa. I want to go on a missions trip (although scared out of my mind). I think about what I can be doing better here at work. I think about health coaching ideas for school.
I think and think and think....and then suddenly do nothing. What the heck is that about? Why can't I put my ideas into motion? Thinking and having great ideas does no good unless I act. That sweet kid in Africa isn't being helped anymore by my thinking. I need to do. I need to act.
As the year comes to a close I have been thinking about my goals for next year. I have never been one for goals because...I don't follow through on them. Big surprise right?! But I am learning about being intentional and how important goal setting is at Integrative Nutrition. I am learning how the most successful have a plan and that they business wasn't just a result of haphazard events.
My guess is that my fear is bigger than my motivation at times (most times). I am really very skilled at talking myself out of just about anything. Convincing myself that if I wait until tomorrow, or next week or just later I'll be better prepared. But all that thinking just makes me a thinker. And I want to be a doer. I want to act. I want to help. I want to make a difference.
So in the spirit of full disclosure and in keeping myself accountable here are a list of things I want to DO. My hope is that I actually manage to check a few of these items off my list in the next year.
*Do yoga 2 times a week
*Try to run 1 time a week
*Set aside 15 minutes each day for prayer/meditation
*Find a legit organization and sponsor a child
*Obtain 5 paying clients by the end of 2013
*Blog at least 1 time a week
*Finish that dang pinterest Christmas wreath before Christmas is actually over
*Take more pictures of my family
*Work on my business plan 2 times a week
*Love more
I am sure there are more things I am thinking of doing...but that is a good start for now. Maybe now that you know, you can help keep me accountable and encourage me on my path of doing!
I love this list! I, too, fall victim to the over thinking thing as well! Thanks for the simple focused inspiration. Hope you are doing well!