At any rate, big news....we started Lucy on cereal! This was a big decision for me to start her as she has a sensitive tummy and I don't want to agitate it again. However...she has been showing so many signs that she is ready for food, so I thought it was time to give it a try. Initially I was going to make her cereal as I plan on making the rest of her food so I could insure that it was made from quality organic ingredients. But then I learned that when making baby cereal on your own, you have to cook it each time you feed your baby, unlike regular food (carrots, peas, etc.) where you can make a big batch and freeze it. So I finally settled on Earth's Best Organic Cereal. I have been really happy with it so far! And the best part...Lucy LOVES it!
The first feeding I didn't really know what to expect, but she did great. She opened her mouth wide and ate the whole (teeny, tiny) bowl! Then she licked up the spoon! It was hilarious! Some nights when she is tired she doesn't do as well with her feedings...but so far, so good!
We also recently celebrated Easter too and had a great day with our family! Here is a not so great picture of us on Easter morning. I insisted we take pictures outside which was clearly a poor decision as we are all squinting and poor Lucy's headband had slid down and was right above her eyebrows...woops!
And, just cause I think my gal is so cute....a couple of extra pictures......
This was/is her favorite game to play. She rolled over from belly to back about a month or so ago but has been working SO hard to get from back to belly. So she will lay like this on the floor with almost her entire body rolled over except for her head! She did FINALLY roll over back to belly 2 weeks ago and I even caught it on video! I was so proud of her!
Can't believe she is 5 months old already! She is growing and changing so much every single day! What a blessing she is!
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