Last night the weather was just perfect! There was a light breeze blowing through the house while I roasted some salmon for dinner and made a strawberry salsa to go with it. I of course had a little helper with me most of the time too, although she decided that it would be tons of fun to squish the grape tomatoes between her little fingers and watch the juices fly everywhere. We found Daddy pretty quickly after that and he took Lucy outside so I could finish up cooking. :) I have posted the recipe on the blog before, but the original can be found
Salmon with Strawberry Salsa...yummy goodness! |
Mealtimes have become a bit of a challenge as Lucy swears she isn't hungry ever. Me: "Lucy, let's go eat dinner....are you hungry?" Lucy: "No" Me: "Look here are some yummy strawberries...let's sit down and eat." Lucy: "No" Hmmmm.... So basically she screamed and threw a fit the whole time we ate. maybe before and after dinner were more my happy place...and well, let's just say it's a good thing I had an ice cold beer to get me through the whining and crying while I ate my lovely meal!
After dinner we went back outside, also known as Lucy's favorite place ever! This kid would spend her entire life outside if she could...just like her Daddy :) I tried to get some pictures of she and I by the beautiful daisies we have popping up but she was more into trying to steal the camera away from me than smiling and taking pictures.
She's checking out the guy mowing next door. Anytime he would get remotely close she would start yelling, "Hi!!! Hi!!!" Funny kid! |
Now that the weather is nicer, walks have become a big hit at home. Lucy LOOOVES to go for walks! She sits on the edge of her stroller, hands stretched out to hold the tray in front and has her eyes peeled for birds, balls, doggies, trucks, you name it! She has figured out how to climb up into her stroller too, so she will just sit there and wait for someone,
anyone, to take her on a walk. So, of course we went on a walk last night.
Hmmm...sunglasses! |
I'm ready for my walk now! |
After our beautiful walk I cleaned up the kitchen while Pat put Lucy to bed. Then I made this:
Major Yum! Healthy, yummy evening snack. The recipe can be found
here. I slurped it up while I watched the results show for Dancing with the Stars. Um, is anyone else as sad as I am that Maria got voted off??? Boo! I loved her! Guess I'll be cheering for William Levy now!
Hope you are taking time to enjoy the beautiful weather and all the wonderful little things in life. Minus dinnertime tantrums....but, you get the point!
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